Nov 122024

The Communist Party of Canada had warned that the worst outcome on Nov. 5 would be a victory for a Republican party bankrolled by the super-wealthy and large corporations, who have taken advantage of the base of far-right, white supremacist, and even fascist forces, including influential Christian nationalists who seek to eliminate all reproductive rights. Republicans loyal to Trump will soon control the White House, both houses of Congress, the majority of state governors and legislatures, the Supreme Court and most lower courts, the FBI and CIA, surveillance bodies such as the NSA – all the key elements of the US capitalist state.

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Let Cuba Live! End the U.S. Blockade NOW!

 Posted on November 4, 2024
Nov 042024

On October 30, the General Assembly of the United Nations once again voted overwhelmingly to condemn the decades-long economic blockade imposed by the United States against Socialist Cuba, and to demand its immediate lifting. Some 187 countries supported the resolution; only the U.S. and Israel voted against (Moldova abstained).This was the 32nd consecutive annual resolution adopted by the General Assembly – each time by the vast majority of governments. But because of its non-binding character, Washington has once again dismissed this significant rebuke by the rest of humanity and vows to keep its asphyxiating blockade and related unilateral coercive measures against Cuba in place.

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Oct 292024

Dans le contexte des motions de censure conservatrices déposées cet automne au Parlement et des manœuvres opportunistes des autres partis d’opposition, le Parti communiste réaffirme qu’il ne place aucune confiance envers un Parlement dominé par les intérêts des monopoles. Cependant, un gouvernement conservateur ne fera qu’empirer les choses pour les travailleurs.

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Oct 252024

In the context of this fall’s Conservative non-confidence motions in Parliament and opportunist manoeuvres by the other opposition parties, the Communist Party reiterates that we have no confidence in a Parliament dominated by monopoly corporate interests but we can be confident that a Conservative government will only make things far worse for working people.

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Oct 222024

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la mise à l’index de la liste des entités terroristes de l’organisation de solidarité palestinienne Samidoun par le Canada dans une action coordonnée avec l’Allemagne et les États-Unis. Nous appelons toutes les forces politiques, sociales et démocratiques à s’organiser et dénoncer cette atteinte à la liberté d’expression dans un contexte de criminalisation de la solidarité avec la Palestine. 

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Oct 222024

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the inclusion of the Palestinian solidarity organization Samidoun on the list of terrorist entities by Canada, in a coordinated action with Germany and the United States. We call on all political, social, and democratic forces to organize and denounce this attack on freedom of expression in the context of the criminalization of solidarity with Palestine.

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Oct 072024

On the commemoration of one year since the beginning of this brutal genocide perpetrated in Gaza, the Communist Party of Canada reiterates its anti-imperialist and internationalist solidarity with the people and resistance of Palestine in their struggle for national liberation. This is not an ethnic or a religious battle. It is an anti-imperialist struggle that concerns all workers, supporters of peace, progressives and democrats throughout the world.

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Oct 072024

À quelques jours de la commémoration de la première année depuis le début de ce génocide vain perpétré à Gaza, le Parti communiste du Canada réitère sa solidarité anti-impérialiste et internationaliste avec le peuple et la résistance de Palestine dans leur lutte de libération nationale. En effet, il ne s’agit ni d’une bataille ethnique et encore moins religieuse. Il s’agit d’une lutte anti-impérialiste qui concerne l’ensemble des travailleurs, des partisans de la paix, des progressistes et des démocrates à travers le monde.

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Sep 272024

The Communist Party of Canada strongly condemns the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, the largest and deadliest since the 2006 war. In the span of barely a week, we have witnessed the detonation of Israeli-rigged pagers, bombings, and airstrikes—some reaching the suburbs of Beirut—that have killed more than a thousand people, primarily civilians. These attacks have destroyed public infrastructure, including roads, hospitals, and schools, and forcibly displaced half a million people.

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Sep 272024

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne énergiquement les récentes frappes israéliennes contre le Liban, les plus importantes et meurtrières depuis la guerre de 2006. En l’espace d’une semaine à peine, les explosions de téléavertisseurs truqués par Israël, les bombardements et attaques aériennes dont certaines ont atteint la banlieue de Beyrouth, ont fait plus de mille morts, principalement des civils, détruit des infrastructures publiques dont des routes, des hôpitaux, des écoles et déplacé de force un demi-million de personnes. 

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