Mar 012023

CSIS interference in Canadian elections, politics and democracy smacks of McCarthyism

A campaign by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service claiming, without any evidence, that the 2019 federal election was interfered with by foreign governments including China, smacks of McCarthyism, and exposes CSIS as an illegal political actor in Canadian politics, actively supporting the Conservative Party.

We call for a public inquiry into the operations of CSIS which have crossed the line into political action and interference in the governance of Canada, in foreign policy, and in the political and democratic rights of all citizens including those of Chinese descent.

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Feb 242023

The first anniversary of the February 24, 2022 military intervention by the Russian Federation into Ukraine is now upon us, and the U.S. and its NATO/EU allies, including Canada, are using the opportunity to launch a fresh round of ‘Russia bashing’ and calls for increased arms shipments to the Kiev regime to defend itself in the face of this Russian incursion.

The war itself continues to grind on, becoming a prolonged war of attrition, with each side striving to exhaust its adversary militarily, economically, and on the political-diplomatic front, regardless of the horrendous costs being inflicted. As one analyst phrased it, the war is on a one-way “escalation escalator”, as the imperialist powers led by the U.S. pour more lethal and advanced weaponry and equipment into the conflict, including main battle tanks, longer-range missiles and (potentially) modern fighter jets.

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Feb 092023

The massive earthquakes that have caused tens of thousands of deaths and injuries in Syria and Turkey, leveling homes, apartment buildings, hospitals, bridges, roads, and infrastructure, call out for the assistance and solidarity of the world’s government’s and peoples.

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Feb 032023

Ever since the May 2021 revelation of 215 potential unmarked graves at the former “residential school” in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation (Kamloops), similar discoveries have been made across Canada. This is a searing indictment of the genocidal record of Canadian governments, which still fail to provide the resources and equipment necessary to answer many painful questions raised by survivors of these institutions and their families. Shamefully, while the federal Liberals commit tens of billions of dollars for fighter jets and other weapons systems, they have not made it a priority to help bring some degree of closure and certainty to Indigenous peoples who were the targets of cultural and physical genocide.

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Feb 022023

La Banque du Canada a augmenté les taux d’intérêt à 4,5 % en janvier – la 8e hausse en 11 mois. Les hausses précédentes ont montré que si l’impact sur l’inflation est minime, celui sur la classe ouvrière, les jeunes et les pauvres est dévastateur. Les salaires réels et le niveau de vie baissent de façon spectaculaire, car le coût des hypothèques et des prêts a grimpé en flèche, tout comme la dette sur le crédit à la consommation ce qui fait que le Canada continuera d’avoir le niveau d’endettement des ménages le plus élevé de tous les pays de l’OCDE. Il s’agit là d’un moyen infaillible d’entraîner le pays dans une profonde récession, de créer un chômage de masse et d’accentuer la pression à la baisse sur les salaires et les pensions, les services publics et les programmes sociaux.

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Roll-back job-killing interest rates

 Posted on February 1, 2023
Feb 012023
Laid off office worker with text "Roll-back job-killing intresest rates!"

The Bank of Canada hiked interest rates  to 4.5% in January – the 8th hike in 11 months – even though previous hikes have shown that while the impact on inflation is minimal, the impact on the working class, the young and the poor is devastating.  Real wages and living standards are falling dramatically, as the cost of mortgages and loans have sky-rocketed, along with the credit card debt which ensures Canada will continue to have the highest levels of household debt of any OECD country. This is a sure-fire way to drive the country into deep recession, creating mass unemployment, and even more downward pressure on wages and pensions, public services and social programs.

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Jan 302023

Ontario’s Tory government has just announced it will create a two-tier healthcare system in the province: one, a private-for profit system which is expected to thrive off the funding and staffing diverted from the public system; and the other, the chronically under-funded and under-staffed universal public system of Medicare which will be further impoverished and in critical condition, if this legislation is not stopped.

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Jan 202023

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the government of Canada’s drive to war

The Canadian state continues their march to war with the purchase of eighty-eight F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin for the Canadian Armed Forces with a price tag of at least $70 billion (some analyst are predicting the cost will be over $90 billion), as well as 200 armoured vehicles at a cost of $90 million from Roshel and an over $400 million surface to air missile system from Raytheon for their war in Ukraine.

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Jan 112023

The Communist Party of Canada demands the immediate release of the democratically elected President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, as well as an end to the military and police repression against the forces of progress. Since December 7, the popular masses have risen up against a palace coup that forced his removal from office and his arrest. This uprising has gained remarkable momentum among all the popular forces, combining general strikes, demonstrations and even the occupation of the airport in Arequipa, the country’s second city. 

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Jan 112023

Le Parti communiste du Canada exige la libération immédiate du Président démocratiquement élu du Pérou, Pedro Castillo, ainsi que la fin de la répression militaire et policière à l’encontre des forces de progrès. Depuis le 7 décembre dernier, les masses populaires se sont levées contre un coup de palais ayant forcé sa destitution et son arrestation. Ce soulèvement a pris une ampleur remarquable auprès de l’ensemble des forces populaires alliant grèves générales, manifestations et même l’occupation de l’aéroport d’Arequipa, deuxième ville du pays.

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