As the annual summer of Pride events begins, there is good news… and very frightening news. On the positive side, public support remains solidly in favour of full equality rights for the entire 2S/LGBTiQ+ community (Two-Spirit / Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Intersex / Queer). But a small minority of far-right groups have escalated their “culture war”, focused on transgender people in particular. Physical assaults, violent threats and book bannings are on the rise. Their broader goal is to roll back generations of hard-won gains towards social and economic justice, reproductive rights, gender equality and diversity.
Continue reading »The Trudeau government moved down a dangerous path with Volkswagen in St. Thomas, Ontario, that’s set the stage for the current crisis with Stellantis in Windsor.
These are both multi-national corporations whose goal is to generate the biggest possible profits, by paying the lowest possible wages and securing the biggest possible concessions from federal, provincial and municipal governments. Both companies are squeezing Canadian governments to match the high level of government subsidies promised by the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act to keep construction of their new EV battery plants in Canada.
Continue reading »Demand a Ceasefire, Dissolution of the Militias, and an End to War
On May 25th the Rapid Support Forces stormed and occupied the headquarters of the Sudanese Communist Party in Khartoum, Sudan. This fully armed military group broke down the doors of all offices and halls, carrying out extensive acts of vandalism, damage, and looting.
The Rapid Support Forces have continued their occupation and destruction since then, using the Communist Party’s offices as their militia headquarters.
Continue reading »This year, workers around the world have been hit with the triple whammy of a massive attack on their jobs, wages and living standards; a relentless drive to war and reaction; and news from the UN that the world has reached the tipping point of irrevocable climate catastrophe without immediate action by governments and corporations.
If ever there was a call to urgent action for workers, it’s this one.
Continue reading »Cette année, les travailleur-euses du monde entier ont subi un triple choc : une attaque massive contre leurs emplois, leurs salaires et leur niveau de vie ; une incitation incessante à la guerre et à la réaction ; puis l’annonce par les Nations unies que le monde a atteint le point de bascule vers une catastrophe climatique irrévocable si les gouvernements et les entreprises ne prennent pas de mesures immédiates.
Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, il est temps pour les travailleur-euses et les salarié-es d’agir!
Continue reading »Les besoins du peuple, pas la cupidité des entreprises
Après deux ans de négociations, le gouvernement fédéral continue d’offrir des salaires bien en dessous de l’augmentation du cout de la vie. Alors que les prix explosent, les salaires réels et les conditions de vie des travailleur-euses ont considérablement diminué, entraînant un transfert massif de richesse de la classe ouvrière vers les monopoles. L’issue de cette grève le ton pour l’ensemble du secteur public.
Continue reading »People’s needs not corporate greed
After two years of bargaining the federal government is still offering wages far below cost of living increases. As prices and the cost of living skyrocket, workers’ real wages and living standards have sharply declined in a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to corporate monopolies and the super-rich. The outcome of this strike will set the pattern for settlements across the public sector.
Continue reading »As we celebrate International Women’s Day, 2023 Covid continues to take a toll, inflation and wage restraints attack the ability of working people to maintain their standard of living, and higher interest rates will increase unemployment and poverty.
During the pandemic women lost jobs at a higher rate than men, along with lost hours of work, lost wages and pay increases, and lost future pension income because of those reduced incomes. Not all those losses have been made up, particularly among those who work in female dominated industries and among older women.
Continue reading »Alors que nous célébrons la Journée internationale de la femme, 2023, le Covid continue de faire des ravages, l’inflation et les restrictions salariales s’attaquent à la capacité des travailleuses.eurs à maintenir leur niveau de vie, et la hausse des taux d’intérêt va accroître le chômage et la pauvreté.
Pendant la pandémie, les femmes ont perdu leur emploi à un taux plus élevé que les hommes, avec des heures de travail perdues, des salaires et des augmentations de salaire perdus, et des revenus de pension futurs perdus en raison de ces revenus réduits. Toutes ces pertes n’ont pas été rattrapées, en particulier chez les personnes qui travaillent dans des secteurs à prédominance féminine et chez les femmes âgées.
Continue reading »CSIS interference in Canadian elections, politics and democracy smacks of McCarthyism
A campaign by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service claiming, without any evidence, that the 2019 federal election was interfered with by foreign governments including China, smacks of McCarthyism, and exposes CSIS as an illegal political actor in Canadian politics, actively supporting the Conservative Party.
We call for a public inquiry into the operations of CSIS which have crossed the line into political action and interference in the governance of Canada, in foreign policy, and in the political and democratic rights of all citizens including those of Chinese descent.
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