Stop the deportations!

 Posted on September 24, 2024
Sep 242024

Extend rights and status to all workers to stop the race to the bottom!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the federal government’s recent decision to end work permits for tens of thousands of migrant workers. This cruel and calculated move exposes the harsh reality of the super exploitation that underpins Canada’s immigration regime—a system designed not to protect the rights of migrants but to exploit them as cheap, disposable labour for the benefit of big business. We stand in full solidarity with all migrant workers, international students, and their families who are now facing uncertainty, exploitation, and deportation as a result of these policy changes.

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On the passing of Comrade Sitaram Yechury

 Posted on September 19, 2024
Sep 192024

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada has learned with profound sadness the news of the tragic death of cde. Sitaram Yechury, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), on September 12, 2024. We convey our most heartfelt condolences to Sitaram’s family and friends, and to the leadership and membership of the CPI(M) on the untimely passing of this outstanding Communist revolutionary and leader.

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Sep 162024

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the continuation of the Foreign Interference Inquiry this fall. The Inquiry, initiated by a CSIS propaganda campaign, constitutes neo-McCarthyism which threatens democracy and the rights of immigrants while preparing the public for war.

The government’s actions coming out of the first round of the inquiry in the spring were to establish a Foreign Agents Registry and expand CSIS’s powers. This represents an alarming erosion of civil liberties, disproportionately targeting immigrant communities and stoking fear and xenophobia without offering meaningful solutions. This inquiry, which is reconvening, lacks transparency, as senior security officials and the government have presented heavily redacted evidence, leaving the Canadian public in the dark.

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Canadian tariffs on China boomerang

 Posted on September 12, 2024
Sep 122024

In late August PM Trudeau announced plans to impose tariffs on certain Chinese imports to Canada. These include a whopping 100% tariff on Chinese-made electrical vehicles (EVs), as well as 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum products from China, to take effect in October.

Interestingly, the tariffs were announced immediately after the ruling Liberals received a secret briefing from Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor, at their Cabinet retreat in Nova Scotia. Sullivan demanded that Canada follow suit in imposing such tariffs, in line with U.S. and EU tariffs imposed earlier this year. And the Trudeau Liberals meekly obliged Washington’s instructions.

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Sep 112024

Depuis plusieurs mois, voire quelques années, on assiste à une montée de la combattivité des salariés du secteur des transports. En début d’année, ce sont les syndiqués du RMT britannique qui ont débrayé. En mai, les cheminots de la CGT française se sont également mis en grève.

Ces luttes sociales qui allient meilleurs salaires et conditions de travail avec le refus catégorique du démantèlement du monopole public sur les transports publics surviennent alors que la pandémie de COVID19 a rappelé le caractère névralgique de ce secteur pour les économies nationales et mondiales. Ainsi, d’une part, les monopoles se sont rués sur cette opportunité pour garantir leurs profits en intensifiant la privatisation et la mise en compétition entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie, puis en pressant les travailleurs à travers des journées de travail plus longues, plus pénibles et moins payées en salaire réel considérant l’inflation ambiante. Souvent, ces mesures anti-populaires sont adoubées par les pouvoirs publics. De l’autre, les travailleurs ont repris conscience de leur pouvoir de négociation et refusent de se vendre sur plateau d’argent.

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Sep 112024

Over the last few months, if not years, we have seen an increase in the militancy of employees in the transport sector. At the beginning of the year, it was RMT union members in the UK who walked out. In May, French CGT railway workers also went on strike.

These social struggles, which combine better pay and working conditions with a categorical refusal to dismantle the public transportation monopoly, are taking place at a time when the COVID19 pandemic has served as a reminder of how vital this sector is to national and global economies. On the one hand, the corporate monopolies have seized on this opportunity to guarantee their profits by stepping up privatization and competition between the various players in the industry, and on the other by squeezing workers through longer, more arduous working days and lower real wages, given the prevailing inflation. These anti-grassroots measures are often endorsed by the public authorities. On the other hand, workers have regained their bargaining power and refuse to be sold a bill of goods.

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Sep 022024

This Labour Day marks an increase in militancy and solidarity amongst unionized workers from coast to coast. The soaring cost of living has pushed workers to take up the fight for higher wages and better. The horror of the genocide waged by Israel against the people in Gaza, and the federal government’s continued support for Israel’s war on the Palestinian people has stirred the organized labour movement into opposition.

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Aug 132024

The Communist Party of Canada has followed the July 28 presidential election in Venezuela with keen interest – not as detached observers, but as a Party with a history of solidarity with the struggles of the Venezuelan people for sovereignty, democracy, social justice, liberation from imperialist domination and ultimately for a socialist future. We extend our congratulations to the Venezuelan working class and progressive movements for continuing these struggles under the extreme pressure of US imperialism and domestic reaction, which desperately seek one way or another to reverse the revolutionary process initiated by the late President Hugo Chavez.

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Aug 012024

C’est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le décès du camarade Nguyen Phu Trong, Secrétaire général du Parti communiste du Vietnam, survenu en date du 19 juillet dernier. À cette occasion, le Parti communiste du Canada tient à transmettre ses plus sincères condoléances au Parti communiste et au peuple du Vietnam ainsi qu’à saluer la contribution de ce valeureux combattant qui a consacré sa vie à la construction d’un Vietnam souverain et socialiste. 

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Aug 012024

We were saddened to learn of the death of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, on July 19. On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada wishes to convey its most sincere condolences to the Communist Party and the people of Vietnam, and to salute the contribution of this valiant fighter who devoted his life to building a sovereign and socialist Vietnam.

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