Certains ont peut-être accueilli positivement le fait que le gouvernement fédéral invoque la Loi sur les mesures d’urgences pour s’attaquer à l’occupation continue d’Ottawa par le soi-disant convoi de camionneurs dirigé par des forces d’extrême droite et fascistes. Pourtant, il s’agit d’une manœuvre capable de suspendre les droits démocratiques pour tous et toutes au Canada, imposant dans les faits une loi martiale dans tout le pays.
Continue reading »The Communist Party of Canada views the “Freedom Convoy” as a public expression of the increasingly organized and assertive far right. The clear links between the organizers of the convoy and far-right networks indicate that this is not a spontaneous working-class demonstration. On the contrary, it is part of a global phenomenon: the rise and mainstreaming of the far right, which is demonstrated by the strong support (ideologically and financially) from the US far right and circles close to Donald Trump and the Jan. 6th insurrection. The convoy is filled with Nazi and Confederated flags, election signs for Bernier and all sorts of far-right symbols. The $10 million raised through Go Fund Me for this convoy also showcases that this was planned by ultra-right networks. It is certainly not the meagre earnings of the working class that is funding this effort.
Continue reading »Le Parti communiste du Canada considère le « convoi de la Liberté » comme l’expression publique de l’extrême-droite qui s’organise et s’affirme de plus en plus. Comme l’indiquent les liens manifestes entre les organisateurs du convoi et les réseaux d’extrême-droite, il ne s’agit pas d’une manifestation spontanée de la classe ouvrière. Au contraire, elle s’inscrit dans un phénomène global : celui de la montée et de la banalisation de l’extrême-droite à qui tous les micros sont ouverts, en particulier en temps de crise, comme dernier garde-fou de l’exploitation capitaliste.
Continue reading »Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce la récente visite de la ministre des Affaires étrangères, Mélanie Joly, à Kiev et la perçoit comme une provocation à l’égard de la Fédération de Russie, ainsi qu’une profession de foi en faveur du bellicisme inhérent à l’impérialisme occidental. Par cette visite, elle contribue également à légitimer un régime fascisant dans le but d’escalader de façon dangereuse les tensions entre l’OTAN et la Fédération de Russie.
Continue reading »Mélanie Joly to Kiev: “a friend” with fascists to reassure warmongers
The Communist Party of Canada condemns Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly’s recent visit to Kiev, as a provocation against Russia and a statement of support for Western imperialism’s warmongering. Through her visit, she has contributed to legitimizing a fascistic regime, with the aim of escalating tensions between NATO and Russia.
Continue reading »End the Draconian “State of Emergency” and “Emergency Laws” in Sudan
Release All Political Detainees
Respect the right to peaceful protest actions
End the internet shutdown
These are the demands of tens of thousands of demonstrators protesting in cities across Sudan against the military dictatorship which organized a coup d’état October 25 against the interim civilian military coalition government which was to hold elections for a civilian government next year.
Continue reading »With only a few weeks before the Feb. 5 opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the attempt by the US and its clique of faithful allies to mount a so-called “diplomatic boycott” has faltered. The Communist Party of Canada condemns this shameful exercise in hypocrisy, which is backed by the federal government and the parties in Parliament. This is the latest indication that support for Washington’s global strategy has become the virtually unquestioned basis of Canada’s foreign policy.
Continue reading »The Communist Party of Canada, with a proud century-long tradition of fighting for democratic rights and the right to employment, denounces the dismissal of a teacher in Chelsea, Outaouais, Quebec, for wearing a headscarf under Bill 21. Nevertheless, we condemn with equal firmness the outpouring of editorials, commentaries, articles and political posturing directed against Quebec in the rest of Canada.
Continue reading »Le Parti communiste du Canada, fier d’une tradition centenaire de luttes pour les droits démocratiques et pour le droit au travail dénonce le licenciement d’une enseignante de Chelsea, en Outaouais, au Québec, sous prétexte qu’elle porte un voile en vertu de la Loi 21. Néanmoins, nous condamnons d’une égale fermeté le déferlement d’éditoriaux, commentaires, articles et prises de position politique dirigés contre le Québec dans le reste du Canada.
Continue reading »The Communist Party of Canada is concerned about the fate of Palestinian political prisoners, especially the 500 of them, including six children, who are subject to the administrative detention regime, which some describe as arbitrary detention. Among them, we are particularly concerned about the fate of Hisham Abu Hawash who, after completing more than 130 days of hunger strike, had his administrative detention renewed for another six months on December 16.
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