May 082020
End US Sanctions on Cuba

Canada’s quiet complicity in the US government’s latest attempt to strangle Cuba with sanctions and invocation of Title 3, the extra-territorial section of the Helms-Burton Act, makes Canada an active participant in the US drive to overthrow the government of Cuba.

The US fixation on Cuba is well-known around the world, and in particular the aggressive stance of the current US President; but Canada’s aggressive new role is not understood, nor supported by a majority of Canadians.  

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May 042020
May Day 2020

En ce 1er mai, les travailleuses et les travailleurs du monde entier luttent contre une double menace. La plus grande crise économique depuis les années 30 qui va occasionner des licenciements massifs, des pertes de revenus et d’épargne, avec des vagues d’évictions, de saisies, et de faillites de petites entreprises et d’exploitations agricoles, le tout provoqué par une pandémie mondiale du virus COVID-19, pour lequel il n’existe pas encore de vaccin, et une très grande insuffisance de matériel, de fournitures médicales, de personnel et d’hôpitaux pour éviter la maladie et la mort. La pandémie a aggravé la menace de changement climatique incontrôlé, la croissance des inégalités à travers le monde et la menace de guerres impérialistes.

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Apr 302020
May Day 2020

This May Day workers around the world are struggling against a double threat. The deepest economic crisis since the “Dirty ’30s” is causing huge lay-offs, lost incomes and savings, and waves of evictions, foreclosures, and bankruptcies for small businesses and farms, triggered by a global pandemic Covid-19 virus for which there is as yet no vaccine, and a vast under-supply of medical equipment, supplies, staff, and hospitals to stave off sickness and death. The pandemic has compounded the growing menace of unchecked climate change, global inequality, and imperialist wars.

Corporations are using the crisis to jack up prices and profits on scarce medical equipment and supplies, while also re-organizing production to make permanent reductions in the labour force when the pandemic has passed.  

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Hands Off Venezuela

 Posted on April 27, 2020
Apr 272020
Nicolas Maduro Waving Flag

End the sanctions, stop the aggression and recognize President Maduro now!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent military buildup by the United States in the Caribbean Sea, as part of its escalating campaign of aggression against the government of Nicolas Maduro. The Party also denounces the Canadian government’s involvement in this aggression and calls for an immediate end to the sanctions and campaign to overthrow President Maduro. 

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Apr 242020
Trudeau Laughing

Demand EI increases and full coverage now!

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in Canada, the Trudeau government has unveiled a series of temporary programs designed to stabilize working people’s incomes. Details of these measures have only been announced gradually, with many revisions and contradictions, and it has been left to individuals to navigate a confusing and incomplete web of information.

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Apr 212020

The Covid-19 pandemic and the deepening economic crisis are imposing far more serious consequences on working people and those in poverty than on the wealthy and the big corporations. Prisoners, the majority of whom are from racialized communities, are among those most vulnerable, and the Communist Party of Canada joins with many others to demand urgent measures by governments to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in the federal and provincial incarceration systems. This should include the immediate release of non-violent offenders and all those nearing the end of their prison terms.

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Apr 102020

travailleurs triant dans une installation

Le Parti communiste du Canada nous prévient aujourd’hui que la subvention de 75% du salaire pour les entreprises, grandes et petites, est davantage susceptible d’ajouter aux bénéfices des plus grandes sociétés que d’améliorer les salaires et le niveau de vie des travailleuses et des travailleurs.

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Apr 062020

The Communist Party of Canada today warned that the 75% subsidy to Business, big and small, is more likely to add to the profits of the biggest corporations than to the wages and living standards of workers.

There are no guarantees that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) funds will be transferred in full to workers, as the PM has stated that the government is working with corporations on the basis of “trust”. That’s an open door for massive giveaways to Big Business.

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