Dec 042020
Polisario Front

The Communist Party of Canada and the Young Communist League of Canada denounce Morocco’s recent violations of the 1988 ceasefire between the Moroccan army and the Polisario Front, the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people. On November 13, the Moroccan army breached a roadblock in Guerguerat, in southwestern Western Sahara, that Sahrawi civilians had erected on October 20. The roadblock was to prevent Morocco from transporting fishery and agricultural products from the occupied Western Saharan territories to the Mauritanian port of Nouadhibou.

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Nov 122020
Trudeau and Trump

The defeat of Donald Trump as US President is an important victory for the progressive and democratic forces in the US who worked tirelessly over the past four years to expose and build broad opposition to the racist, misogynist, reactionary, and pro-fascist agenda of the Trump administration.  

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Oct 172020

The Communist Party of Canada stands with Mi’kmaq fishers, the Sipekne’katik First Nation and Indigenous nations across Canada who are demanding protection for Indigenous fishers and the legal Indigenous fishery under attack by mobs of 200 or more people in New Edinburgh and Middle West Pubnico, Nova Scotia this week.    

The attacks have escalated over the past weeks from harassment and interference with Indigenous fishers on land and at sea, to the illegal theft and destruction of Indigenous lobster traps, equipment, ramming Indigenous boats, burning a fish boat, and firing live ammunition at Indigenous fishers, to the destruction of two Indigenous fish storage facilities with rocks and gasoline while fishers were trapped inside this week.   Throughout all of these events, the RCMP and police have stood idly by, watching the attacks unfold.

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50 years after the October Crisis

 Posted on October 14, 2020
Oct 142020

Labour, democratic, civil and equality rights in the crosshairs

October marks 50 years since the October crisis of 1970, during which PM Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, suspended civil and democratic rights across Canada and sent thousands of troops to occupy Quebec. The government’s real purpose for this unprecedented act during peacetime was to suppress the struggle for national self-determination in Quebec, and to intimidate the working class and democratic forces in Quebec and across Canada.

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Throne Speech Leaves Millions in the Lurch

 Posted on September 28, 2020
Sep 282020

Patchwork too thin, too temporary for 4 million victims of capitalist crisis

Recent changes to Employment Insurance, combined with the new Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) proposed by the government in the Throne Speech, will slash benefits to 2.7 million unemployed who just barely got by on Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Another 482,000 will be left with no benefits at all after CERB wraps up this week.

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Sep 102020

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the interference in the internal affairs of Belarus, by the United States, European Union and NATO countries. The Party calls on the Canadian government to immediately stop its involvement in the campaign to destabilize the country, and to normalize relations with the elected government of Alexander Lukashenko.

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Sep 072020
Labour Day

Comité exécutif central,
Parti communiste du Canada  

En cette “Fête du travail”, les travailleur-euses et le mouvement syndical sont confrontés à des défis inédits depuis les années 1920 – 1930: une pandémie pour laquelle il n’existe toujours pas de vaccin, une crise économique qui laisse des millions d’individus sans travail et un danger croissant de guerre, cette fois-ci avec des armes nucléaires et conventionnelles capables de détruire le monde. À cette litanie s’ajoute une crise climatique qui pourrait rendre la planète inhabitable.

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Sep 072020
Labour Day

This Labour Day, working people and the labour movement are facing challenges not seen since the 1920s and ‘30s. A pandemic for which there is still no vaccine, an economic crisis that has left millions without work or wages, and a growing war danger – this time with nuclear and conventional weapons that could destroy the whole world. Add to this a climate change crisis that could make the planet uninhabitable, and it’s a bleak picture.

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Solidarité avec le peuple libanais

 Posted on August 21, 2020
Aug 212020
No To Annexation

Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime ses sincères condoléances aux proches des victimes de l’explosion à Beyrouth. Nous transmettons également au peuple du Liban et au Parti communiste libanais nos meilleurs vœux de solidarité. Le peuple du Liban est en deuil après l’explosion responsable de près de 200 morts et de milliers de blessés. La ville est dévastée suite à la destruction de nombreuses écoles, d’hôpitaux, de logements et de services publics.

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Solidarity with the People of Lebanon

 Posted on August 17, 2020
Aug 172020
No To Annexation

The Communist Party extends it deepest sympathy and solidarity to the Communist Party and the bereaved people of Lebanon following the explosion in Beirut, the tragic deaths and horrific injuries of thousands of people in the city, and the destruction of hospitals, schools, homes, workplaces, and government offices which have collectively devastated the country.

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