Nov 012022

Les récentes élections du 3 octobre au Québec rappellent l’importance de réformer le mode de scrutin actuel. Rarement la distorsion entre le vote populaire et les sièges obtenus, induite par le scrutin uninominal à un tour, n’a été aussi flagrante au cours des dernières années. 

En effet, avec 41% des suffrages exprimés, la CAQ rafle 72% des sièges tandis que le Parti libéral, quatrième parti selon le vote populaire (derrière Québec solidaire et le Parti québécois), forme l’opposition officielle. De même, le Parti conservateur d’Éric Duhaime ne parvient à faire élire aucun député malgré l’appui de 13% des votant-es. 

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Oct 252022

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends solidarity to the working class of Brazil and their allies in their struggle to take federal state power away from the most reactionary elements of the ruling class.

The reactionary movement in Brazil with their support from the Canadian state and big business have murdered and attacked trade unionists, environmentalists and indigenous peoples.  During the campaign they have assaulted politicians, especially Afro-Brazilians, women, and LGBT+ people.

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Oct 212022

In response to a call-out from the Canada-wide Peace & Justice Network and the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) in the United States, more than a dozen rallies, pickets, and seminars are taking place this week (October 15-23) in nine cities across the country.

The unifying theme of these actions is to denounce the rising tide of militarization and war around the world, to bring public action to the increasing risk of direct confrontation between the major powers and the unthinkable possibility of a thermonuclear war, with all the consequences that will entail for the future of humanity.

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Oct 212022

The Public Order Emergency Commission has begun public hearings into the declaration of emergency powers last winter. Subsequent events and revelations have strengthened the argument raised by the Communist Party of Canada at the time: that the dangerous growth of fascist forces called for immediate action to protect and strengthen democratic and civil rights, using existing laws, to protect the public and disperse illegal occupations, but not to eliminate these rights altogether.

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Oct 112022

Women are leading the struggle in Iran after the senseless murder of Mahsa Amini by the repressive, theocratic regime led by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and presided over in government by the President Ebrahim Raisi.  They have displayed enormous courage in their protests against the rules governing their lives and the role of the morality police in enforcing those rules – anachronistic, repressive rules governing even mundane aspects of every woman’s life.  The women have been joined by their brothers, fathers and friends who understand the legitimacy of the women’s response to repression. 

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Oct 042022
Nuclear blast over city with: "End the war in Ukraine while there is still time"

The looming danger of a nuclear war in Europe, which could expand to engulf the entire planet, makes it obligatory for the Canadian government to end its involvement in the war in Ukraine, to withdraw all Canadian troops from the region, and to press for a negotiated political solution now.

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Sep 182022

Le Parti communiste du Canada se joint à l’appel lancé au gouvernement fédéral pour qu’il accorde immédiatement le statut de résident permanent à tous les travailleurs-euses sans statut et à ceux qui ont un statut temporaire au Canada. Le 18 septembre, des manifestations à travers le Canada demanderont au gouvernement Trudeau d’inclure tous les sans-papiers dans son programme de régularisation de l’immigration annoncé précédemment, bien que non défini. Ce n’est qu’en accordant un statut à tous que les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs-euses pourront réellement s’appliquer à tous les travailleurs-euses, en relevant le plancher des salaires et des conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.

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Sep 162022

The Communist Party of Canada joins the call on the federal government to immediately extend permanent resident status to all non-status and temporary status workers in Canada. On September 18th, demonstrations across Canada will call on the Trudeau government to include all undocumented migrants in their previously announced, although undefined, immigration regularization program. Only through providing status to all can basic workers’ rights truly apply to all workers, raising the floor on wages and living and working conditions for all.

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Sep 012022

Labour Day 2022 marks an escalating struggle by workers in the public and private sectors to recover wages slashed during two years of pandemic and economic crisis, and to resist public sector pay restraints, huge hikes in interest rates, and runaway price increases on food, fuel and rents.

In BC, public employee job actions started August 15, and 400,000 workers could eventually strike, demanding that the NDP government negotiate real wage increases with cost of living provisions (COLA) to protect against runaway inflation.

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Aug 292022

The Communist Party of Canada was subject to a vicious attack on social media, in the lead up to our 40th Convention in early July and afterwards. This attack has not stopped the Party’s recruiting and activities, including the publication of our press. But a false narrative widely amplified on twitter and other platforms continues. This message is to encourage interested people to examine this situation with a critical analysis.

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