Dec 182023

The overwhelming vote on December 13 by the United Nations General Assembly in favour of a non-binding resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is an important victory for the growing international campaign to condemn Israel’s war against the Palestinian people. The final vote was 153 in favour, 23 abstentions, and only 10 opposed (the US, Israel, Austria, the Czech Republic, and a handful of tiny US client states). By comparison, the Arab-sponsored resolution on Oct. 27 for a “humanitarian truce” saw 121 countries voting in favour, 14 against, and 44 abstaining. This time, two months of massive street protests against the criminal Israeli war in Gaza forced PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to change their position; Canada, which has always backed Israel in previous General Assembly votes, joined the rest of the world in calling for a ceasefire. Overall, these votes indicate a deeper fracturing of the so-called “western consensus” and the growing diplomatic and political isolation of the US and Israel.

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Nov 092023

After over three weeks of bloody conflict and the looming spectre of a genocide in Gaza, the Communist Party of Canada reaffirms its support for the Palestinian people and their right to resistance recognized under international law. We condemn Israel and its Zionist policy of violent colonization, occupation, and apartheid as the primary driver of this catastrophe that has claimed the lives of over 10,000 people, with 70% being women and children.

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Nov 092023

Après plus de trois semaines de conflit sanglant et devant un génocide qui se profile à Gaza, le Parti communiste du Canada réitère son appui au peuple palestinien et à son droit à la résistance reconnu par le droit international. Nous condamnons Israël et sa politique sioniste de colonisation, d’occupation et d’apartheid comme principal responsable de cet hécatombe qui a couté la vie à plus de 10 000 personnes (dont 70% de femmes et d’enfants).

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Oct 182023

The bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza is a horrific war crime committed by the Zionist Netanyahu government. It is a key part of its policy to annex Gaza, killing or driving out the Palestinian population. This is ethnic cleansing. This is genocide. This is fascism. These are crimes against humanity that the Canadian government, the labour and democratic movements, and people of good conscience everywhere must condemn and oppose. Failure to speak out now is complicity.

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End Zionist expansionism and genocide

 Posted on October 10, 2023
Oct 102023

The Communist Party of Canada calls for an immediate ceasefire to the new war unfolding in the Middle East for which the far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu bears full responsibility, and for which the people of Gaza and Israel are paying with their lives.

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Aug 122022
photo of two men running from bombing in Gaza

The Communist Party of Canada unequivocally condemns the Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza. A three day Israeli bombing campaign on Gaza has left at least 49 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. Israel alleges their criminal attack was ‘pre-emptive’, a claim that has nothing to do with reality. The Israeli war machine dropped bombs on residential dwellings and critical infrastructure that was still being rebuilt and repaired from last year’s bombing campaign.

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May 122021
Free Palestine

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce le gouvernement israélien pour ses attaques barbares contre les résident-es de Cheikh Jarrah dans la Jérusalem-Est occupée, pour ses évictions forcées de Palestinien-nes de leurs maisons ensuite occupées par des colons israéliens, et pour ses attaques vicieuses et racistes contre les fidèles pacifiques à la mosquée d’Al-Aqsa. Il s’agit d’un crime contre l’Humanité et d’un nettoyage ethnique selon la Charte de l’ONU.

Alors que les cours israéliennes tentent de légitimer le déplacement forcé de familles palestiniennes à travers leurs lois d’apartheid, la police, les militaires et les colons terrorisent les résident-es palestiniens dans un effort de les chasser de chez eux. Plus de 100 Palestinien-nes ont été attaqués, dont plusieurs blessés et tués, incluant des enfants, par la police israélienne et par des colons qui incitent à la violence raciste. Certains fiers à bras scandent même des slogans du genre « mort aux Arabes ».

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May 122021
Free Palestine

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the Israeli government for its barbaric attacks on the Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem, its forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes, which are then occupied by Israeli settlers, and its vicious and racist attacks on peaceful worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.  This is ethnic cleansing, and a crime against humanity under the UN Charter.

While Israeli courts have attempted to legitimize the forced displacement of Palestinian families with their apartheid laws, Israeli police, military and settlers have terrorized Palestinian residents in an effort to drive them out of their homes.  Over 100 Palestinians have been attacked, with scores injured and killed – including children, by Israeli police and settlers inciting racist violence, including mobs chanting “Death to Arabs”.    

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Jul 032020

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada, July 3. 2020

No To Annexation

On July 1st Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Israeli-imposed deadline had been reached for its illegal annexation of the Palestinian  territories of the West Bank and Jordan Valley.  He added, Israel could delay a little bit if there was “good reason”.

Indeed, there is good reason, as the whole world knows.  The Israeli annexation is completely illegal under international law, and is an act of war against the Palestinian People whose land has been illegally occupied by Israeli troops and settlements over more than five decades.  The annexation is the main point in the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century”, which has been rejected out of hand by the Palestinian people, and by governments around the world which recognize it a provocation, an act of war and genocide.

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